Finally got around to buying some POR-15. This stuff is great! It's like the poor man's powder coat! It is very toxic and I was told to use a mask, gloves etc...It dries to a hard finish and make sure to put a piece of plastic when you close the can or the paint will be weld the can shut! Don't get this paint on your skin you will have a hell of a time getting it off!

It brushes on and then melts so you can't see any brush strokes. I will be painting the engine bay with this.....

I decided to bolt everything up so I can put the car on the ground and rolling so I could take it to my friends shop to start working on the cage.....he has a notcher there so I will be fitting and tacking everything in there then bringing it back to do final welding here in the garage. I don't have a floor mount drill press here so It's easier just to do all the tube cutting/ffitting and tacking there then bring it back.....
Used new SKF bearings packed them up with lots of Mobil1 sythetic bearing grease......

Assembled adjuster with Ireland poly bushings.....

completed rear assembly

bolted on subframe

New Myle ball joints

new tie and center rods

bolted on vented rotor

All done and ready to roll! Rolling chassis Time.....
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