You see it's the annual Vara University this weekend,
Vara U. is a 2-day school where would be vintage racing drivers go once a year to see if they can become part of the "show". (
I've been waiting all my life for this and started dreaming about it 7 years ago when I got my project car. A lot of emotions are building up inside of me right now. I can't imagine when I actually get to grid up for a real race!
My car is as ready as it will be. Which is to say I'm fixed most of the blaring issues(I think...this issue will keep you up at night). I'm really worried my car will quit on me before I get a chance to get that rookie lisc. on Sunday. But lets hope the stout German engineering of 30+years ago will hold up to my abuse.
As for me.....I'm definitely ready! It's not my first time on the track by a long shot. I raced motorcycles for years. But this is definitely different. I more anxious than nervous. I just want to get it over with almost.
All my friends flaked on me so I'll be going solo. Doing this old skool style and sleeping in the back of my mom's 4-runner and turning my own wrenches like I used to do when I raced motorcycles.
to make matter's worse!!!!! the weather looks like is going to be bad.
Rain for both days!!! I live in California for @#$ sake! what is this? (east coasters ignore my weather tantrum)
Now I have to quickly spray all my rust spots under the car so they don't rust away by the time I get back! hehehe.....
So the rain will make things a bit more "interesting" for sure! For one, since I deleted the windows.....i will be soaked! My brand new fresh Sparco WHITE driving suit will turn black for sure and the inside of my car will be a mess.....why did I pick a white car and a white driving suit??? oh yeah....cause I live in sunny hot kalifornia........
On the plus side when I get out of the car after a few laps me and the car will look like we just finished a stint in a 24h race!
Let's just hope I won't be wet and miserable the whole time.(no wonder all my friends found something to do...)
Seriously, I'm excited and only snow would dampen my mood right now. I'm still praying for some sunshine and that my falken azenis will do good in the wet. I'm sure I won't be too lonely either as the people are great and I'm sure to make some new friends. If anything goes wrong with the car I might be lucky and have some fellow's competitor's help. Not to mention I'm damn lucky to have Jeff Ireland in the pits to answer any questions I might have. He is also an instructor with VARA so I might have the man himself sharing his wisdom and helping me with my driving. After all it's in his best interest as I will be lining up on the grid with him in a few months!
I guess I deserve some rain for all the sunny warm days we get out here while half of the country in buried deep in white stuff and left to polish chrome and post away on this mesageboard all day.
So for all you east coasters looking at bmw porn all day on the internet....Hopefully I will have some very wet pictures to post up on Monday, and with any more luck I'll have a soggy rookie lisc. in my back pocket and a grin all the way home....
wish me luck and thank you for all the help thru the years,
talk to you all on Monday!
8 years ago
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